Become A Brand Partner

If your company would like to deepen your commitment to the protection of the world’s forests and the planet, we can help.

Canopy works with hundreds of brand partners to create systemic change in the supply chain, and more companies are committing to this transformative work every year. We are looking for more corporate partners to become forest champions by committing to keeping the world’s critical ecosystems healthy and vibrant.

Our brand partners

950+ are already in!

Become a CanopyStyle partner

Clothing brands, designers, retailers, producers and suppliers: To learn more about becoming a CanopyStyle partner, get in touch with our team at

The solutions we propose are big, bold, innovative, and concrete, and we seek partners who are equally motivated to use their influence to bring about the holistic and lasting change our world needs.

80% Lost

percentage of the world's frontier forests lost.

Resources to support you in protecting vital forests

Canopy has developed and compiled numerous tools ready to support our partner companies. These resources will help your company understand, navigate, and implement sustainable procurement policies that work for both your business and the natural world.

No company, no matter how big, can transform the fashion, packaging, or publishing landscape on their own.

Join us. 


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Learn about how we work to conserve the world’s forests and stabilize our climate. Sign up to receive news, important updates about our work, and ways you can take action.