Think Outside The Box
Bringing together the world’s most forward-thinking brands to keep the world’s most vital forests off store shelves and out of packaging.
The Threats
As companies make the shift away from plastic packaging, too many are trading one environmental disaster for another.
Every year, more than three billion trees, many from the world’s most biodiverse and climate-critical forests, are cut down for paper packaging. We help brands reduce their risk and reverse that trend.
Pack4Good tackles this global problem by asking industry leaders to think outside the box and scale solutions that reduce waste, mitigate supply chain risk, and make sure the world's Ancient and Endangered Forests aren't cut down for packaging.
To date, 449 companies have signed on to Pack4Good, representing over 287.4 billion USD of annual revenue, and more companies are signing on every day.
are logged every year for paper packaging.
If placed end-to-end, those trees would wrap around the Earth 1,037 times.

The Case For Change
By harnessing agricultural residues, recycled fibres, and other Next Generation alternatives, we can transform the take-make-waste paper packaging supply chain and save forests all over the world.
Switching from traditional paper packaging to Next Generation alternatives also offers companies a compelling business case. By committing to ending sourcing from vital forests and adopting low-impact packaging solutions businesses can reduce supply chain risk, achieve Scope 3 emissions targets, and meet growing consumer demand.
Demand for paper packaging drives about a tenth of total logging pressure on the world’s forests, amounting to an estimated 3.1 billion trees cut down annually.
Paper packaging accounts for about a third of the global packaging market, on par with plastics and far larger than metal or glass.
Low-impact Next Gen alternatives — made from agricultural residues, or microbial cellulose — can have 95% to 130% less greenhouse gas emissions, 88% to 100% less land-use impacts, and 5x lower impact on biodiversity and threatened species.
Together with our partners, we focus on sustainable alternatives to logging Ancient and Endangered Forests, including:
Recycled content: Use of recycled and post-consumer recycled inputs is the best way to minimize the impact on forests.
Next Gen Solutions: Alternative fibres, made from things like agricultural residues (ie. wheat or flax straw), make great paper for packaging while reducing reliance on forests and lowering emissions.
Innovative design: We support and encourage our partners to right size their packaging or rethink it all together.
FSC Certification: When forest fibre is needed, we encourage partners to source their packaging from suppliers with the highest environmental and social standards.
Together we can not only think outside the box, but re-imagine what boxes can be all together.

Become a Pack4Good partner.
Canopy works with hundreds of brand partners to create systemic change in the packaging supply chain, and more companies are committing to this transformative work every year. We are looking for more corporate partners to become forest champions and commit to keeping the world’s critical ecosystems healthy and vibrant.
If your company would like to deepen your commitment to the protection of the world’s forests and the planet, we can help.
To learn more about becoming a Pack4Good partner, please send us a message at
Join us.
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