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Xinxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. (Bailu Group)

Products: VFY

Risk Status
Low Risk
Next Gen Solutions
Next Gen
Chemical Management (out of 8)
Hot Button Score (out of 40)
32 =

Risk of sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests

Low Risk

Xinxiang Chemical Fiber published its second CanopyStyle Audit in 2022, which confirmed low risk. The company is currently undergoing its third Audit, which will be published in late 2024.

Areas where the company is showing leadership

  • Has conducted a supplier verification audit in 2022 to confirm risk levels.
  • Has increased its procurement of FSC Mixed fibre inputs over time, and as of 2024 uses over 90% FSC certified inputs.
  • Uses Canopy’s ForestMapper tool to avoid sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests.
  • Has traceability systems in place for its products to allow customers to track from MMCF fibre to garment.
  • Has called on signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to develop the regulatory mechanisms necessary to ensure that the Convention’s goals for nature protection are prioritized.
  • Initiated a plan to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2035 and become carbon-neutral by 2055.
  • Has a product called Bai-Lu Eco which uses pulp containing 20% post-consumer recycled cotton.
  • Has competed R&D and is now integrating a grass fibre (Juncao) into its main production line.
  • Xinxiang Chemical has contributed to a sign-on letter calling for governments to support enabling conditions for the scale up of Next Generation Solutions.

Key Improvements Required

  • Continue to invest in efforts to develop and significantly scale the use of Next Generation Solutions in order to reduce impacts on forests.
  • Continue to seek scientific assessments on the impacts of Juncao fibre.
  • Continue to proactively use ForestMapper and complementary guidance to avoid sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests.
  • Where virgin fibres are unavoidable and they are not coming from key priority Ancient and Endangered Forests, procure higher volumes of FSC 100% certified inputs from sources that have achieved FSC Forest Management certification on the ground.


Xinxiang Chemical Fiber produces a viscose filament yarn with 20% post-consumer recycled cotton textiles, called BaiLu-Eco.

Xinxiang Chemical Fiber (Bailu) has two viscose mills (both filament yarn), both located in Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China. Xinxiang’s total MMCF fibre production capacity is 100,000 tonnes.

These products contain non-forest-based raw materials which are not assessed in the CanopyStyle Audit, including cotton linters sourced from China.

Xinxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd also owns a cotton linter mill that provides feedstock, located in the Xinjiang Province, China.

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Hot Button Score

32 =
  1. Completion of CanopyStyle Third-Party Verification Audits

    1. Conducts Audits 2/2
    2. Audits published and results acted on2/2
    3. Audit risk results2/2
  2. Contribution to Conservation Legacies

    1. Promotes Ancient and Endangered Forest conservation2/2
    2. Supports conservation targets 1/1
    3. Influences supply chain and decision makers0.5/2
    4. Contributes to legislated protection0/2
    5. Extra responsibility: additional support for conservation0/2
  3. Innovation via New Alternative Fibres

    1. Advocates for Next Gen 1/1
    2. Invests in R&D1/1
    3. Has a commercial-scale product 2/2
    4. Publishes targets and timelines1/2
    5. Uses Next Gen pulp0/1
    6. Proportional contribution1.5/2
    7. Implementing ambitious scale-up2/2
  4. Adoption of Robust Forest Sourcing Policy

    1. Has a policy2/2
    2. Policy aligns with CanopyStyle2/2
  5. Traceability & Transparency

    1. Has track and trace systems1/1
    2. Publishes list of suppliers2/2
    3. Conducts due diligence in sourcing2/2
  6. Leaders in Supply Chain Shifts

    1. Is responsive and proactive1/1
    2. Acts on FSC preference 1/1
    3. Supports ForestMapper1/1
    4. Addresses risk2/2
  7. Associated with High Risk of Sourcing from Ancient and Endangered Forests and other Controversial Sources

    1. High risk sourcing0/-5

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Sustainable Chemical Management

  1. Participation in ZDHC

    The company is an active participant in ZDHC, where all of their viscose staple fibre and modal staple fibre facilities have joined the ZDHC Supplier Platform and have access to the MMCF Module. N/A
  2. Chemical Recovery

    All of the company’s MMCF viscose staple fibre and modal staple fibre facilities have reached at least the Progressive level in their chemical recovery parameters and limit value, according to Chapter 1: ZDHC MMCF Responsible Fibre Production Guidelines V2.2 N/A
  3. Wastewater

    All of the company’s MMCF viscose staple fibre and modal staple fibre facilities have reached at least the Progressive level in their wastewater discharge parameters and limit values, according to Chapter 2: ZDHC MMCF Wastewater Guidelines V2.2 N/A
  4. Air Emissions

    All of the company’s viscose staple fibre and modal staple fibre facilities have reached at least the Progressive level in their hazardous chemicals’ air emissions parameters and limit values, according to Chapter 3: ZDHC MMCF Air Emissions Guidelines V2.2 N/A