Next Gen Solutions

Next Generation Solutions

Next Gen Solutions use by-products of other processes instead of forests to make paper, paper packaging, and textiles. With the help of our brand, producer, and innovation partners, we are looking to galvanize over 60,000,000 tonnes of Next Gen alternatives by 2033 to reduce pressure on forests and make way for locally driven conservation initiatives.

Low-Carbon Fabric Solutions

From recycled textiles to alternative feedstocks like agricultural residues, food waste, and microbial cellulose, a variety of fibre solutions for Man-Made Cellulosic Fibres (MMCF) are ready to transform the fashion runway. We're smarter than cutting down ancient trees to make t-shirts. 

It's time to scale Next Gen Solutions, because being stylish doesn't have to cost the Earth.

Packaging Solutions

By harnessing agricultural residues and other Next Generation alternatives, we can transform the take-make-waste paper packaging supply chain, reduce financial and operational risk, and save forests all over the world. It’s time to resize, redesign, repurpose, and add Next Gen fibres alongside ‌more recycled content. 

It’s time to think outside the traditional box.

Catalyzing Global Solutions 

See how catalyzing 60 million tonnes of Next Gen alternatives reduces GHG emissions, diverts waste, creates jobs, and keeps vital forests out of paper, packaging, and textiles.

Next Gen alternatives

made from waste textiles (often landfilled) and agricultural residues (often burned), have: 95% to 130% less GHG emissions, 88% to 100% less land-use impacts, and
5x lower impact on biodiversity and threatened species


2033 targets

  • 60,000,000 tonnes
    of low-carbon Next Gen Solutions
  • 1.3B tonnes
    of GHG avoided
  • 77.4B USD
    invested in Next Gen mills
  • 0
    A&E Forests used in paper, packaging, and textile supply chains

The innovative companies on this list are Canopy policy-holders that have developed technologies and processes that enable the production of Man-Made Cellulosic Fibre (MMCF), paper, and packaging from alternative fibres that are not made from wood-based inputs.

This directory is a tool to support purchasers of forest products in their search for Next Generation Solutions with a lower environmental footprint.


Saving forests by providing solutions.


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