Quotes from October 19 Pack4Good Companies
by: Laura Repas

“At Alémais, we care about protecting our worlds forests and reducing our climate impact. Through our reforestation projects and commitment to sourcing responsible viscose, we are taking steps to protect our endangered and old growth forests. “ – Kelly Elkin, Head of Environmental and Social impact
“Canyon is on a transformation path, with one of the key topics being climate change mitigation. We recognize how forests, particularly Ancient and Endangered Forests, are imperative for biodiversity, water regulation, carbon sequestration and storage, soil stabilization, and the purification of air and water. They play a crucial role in mitigating climate change, and, we have a responsibility to protect them. We are excited to be part of Canopy’s network of forward-looking companies that jointly aim to reduce sourcing risks, transform supply chains, conserve forests and protect our natural world.”– Yvonne Swoboda, Global Director ESG.
"At Cheekbone, it is our mandate to develop sustainable colour cosmetics with traditional Indigenous teachings weaved into every step of the product development process,” said Jenn Harper the CEO and founder of Cheekbone Beauty. “With Pack4Good we can also be part of the movement to end paper packaging’s impact on forests, and to shift to alternatives that are better for our planet. We look forward to showing leadership in the beauty industry and to our work with Canopy.”
“We must rapidly replace oil-based polyester in the textile industry causing microplastics, global warming, landfill and ecosystem degradation. Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer in the world and is best suited to replace polyester. However, we must pay attention to cellulose feedstock sources. Our forests, a potential cellulose feedstock, are one of the most important solutions to addressing the effects of climate change. Approximately 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, one-third of the CO2 released from burning fossil fuels, is absorbed by forests every year. Around 12.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions (5-10 GtCO2e annually) comes from deforestation. We are losing forests at an alarming rate. Every year, around 10 million hectares of forests globally are destroyed. We need immediate action to increase forests again. Canopy is our go-to partner to replace polyester with circular & sustainable cellulose feedstock for our innovative HeiQ AeoniQ™ fiber revolution.” – Carlo Centonze, CEO
“As Herschel Supply continues to innovate around our EcoSystem™ range of sustainable materials, we are pleased to join the Canopy Pack4Good initiative. Through our partnership, we are improving our paper use to align with Canopy's important work in protecting Ancient and Endangered forests.” – Katie Jamieson, SVP Legal & Impact
"While navigating the rapid pace of the industry, small companies encounter numerous challenges. However, we've discovered that we don't have to confront these challenges in isolation. KITES AND BITES is joining Canopy and its mission to safeguard our planet's forests, wildlife, and climate. We firmly believe that our fashion choices should never leave our planet exposed and vulnerable." – Alexandra Ursan, Founder of KITES AND BITES
“Leisurely’s mission is to set ambitious new standards for sustainability to protect our shared planet, recognising the vital importance of all the earth’s ecosystems. We’re excited to join CanopyStyle and Pack4Good initiatives for our own accountability, to improve our packaging and cellulosic fibre sourcing to eliminate ecological risk, and to protect Ancient and Endangered Forests. As a small brand it’s a large task, so we’re grateful for the expertise and generosity of Canopy in supporting stakeholders at all scales across the industry.”
Nui Organics
“At the core of Nui Organics is our commitment to do our absolute best by people and planet. Our dedication to sustainable natural solutions for our garments not only keeps plastics and harmful toxins from polluting the environment, but also informs our paper, packaging and fabric decisions. In partnership with Canopy, we are fully committed to protecting the world’s forests through our choices and invite you to join us.”
PureHemp Technology
“Industry leaders should all agree on utilizing targeted agricultural residues to manufacture pulp and paper products, while trying our best to preserve old growth forests.”
Rubi Laboratories
“We're thrilled to partner with Canopy, an NGO that shares our vision for reimagined supply chains that are symbiotic for the planet. In order to save forests, preserve biodiversity, and protect our people and the planet, we need to approach decarbonizing supply chains with a completely different mindset. At Rubi, we’re reinventing production systems to be planet-positive by using a fully enzymatic process that turns CO2 into cellulose. There’s no need for deforestation or intensive CO2-polluting processes. We're excited to redefine what's possible, together with Canopy and the rest of their network, to transform the future of production, fashion, and next generation materials.” – Neeka Mashouf, CEO Rubi Laboratories
Treun House Atelier
“At TREUN, as a Public Benefit Corporation, we are anchored in having a beneficial social or environmental purpose and meet increased levels of accountability and transparency. As such, we are steadfast in our mission of sustainability and circularity in how we design, source, and manufacture our products. We are honored to join Canopy and share their commitment to protecting the world's forests, species, and climate, working together with CanopyStyle and Pack4Good initiatives.” – Randi Seiff, President and Co-Founder, Treun House Atelier.
U.S. Polo Assn.
“We are proud to be partnering with Canopy, along with other top brands, to collaboratively address our paper packaging and fabric usage and look for solutions to keep the world’s vital and endangered forests thriving,” said J. Michael Prince, President & CEO of USPA Global Licensing, the company that manages and oversees the global U.S. Polo Assn. brand. “U.S. Polo Assn. continues our long-term sustainability journey with amazing partners like Canopy that share our mission and vision for a sustainable future.”