Mitsubishi CanopyStyle Audit
by: Laura Repas
- CanopyStyle
- Media release
Mitsubishi’s CanopyStyle Audit was completed in September 2021. It found that Mitsubishi’s sole supplier of cellulose acetate, Daicel, reports receiving dissolving pulp from a supplier that is at low-risk of sourcing from priority Ancient and Endangered Forests and other controversial sources. However, verification will be required of their suppliers to fully confirm low risk.
Other key findings include:
-Mitsubishi’s sourcing policy meets CanopyStyle requirements, and that this has been communicated well with all suppliers and relevant managers;
-It has obtained FSC-CoC certification for its facility, and only procures material that qualifies as FSC Controlled Wood.
Canopy recommends that the Mitsubishi:
-Engage with Daicel to encourage the company to undertake a CanopyStyle Audit. By doing so, Daicel will be able to verify their suppliers are low risk. In turn, Mitsubishi will be able to confirm its low-risk status in their next CanopyStyle audit if sourcing remains the same;
-Ensure that contracts with current and future suppliers include a requirement to implement Mitsubishi's fibre sourcing and forest policy, and communicate this with suppliers;
-Develop and implement an action plan to collaborate with innovative companies and suppliers to encourage the development of Next Generation alternative fibres in a commercially competitive way.
The audit can be found here:
For more information:
Laura Repas, Canopy
+1 416-729-7484
About Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation is one of the largest players in chemical manufacturing in Japan, including the production of man-made cellulosic fibre for the textile industry. Its main production site, Toyama Plant, produces Soalon, the only triacetate yarn in the world, from cellulose acetate, derived from wood pulp.
About Preferred by Nature
Preferred by Nature, formerly NEPCon, is an international, non-profit organisation working to support better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature and the climate. For 25 years, we have worked with businesses, smallholders, non-profit organisations and governments on developing solutions to major global challenges such as deforestation and climate change. We focus on forest and climate impact commodities and related sectors. Through a well-developed network of local representatives and contractors, Preferred by Nature offers timely and cost-effective certification services around the world. Our focus on mission and impact differentiates our services and strengthens our credibility.