All NewsCircular Chic: BackgrounderPublished: Nov 10, 2021by: Laura RepasNext GenBlog articleShareShare this URLCopied!or share on: How can innovative materials save forests and bring fashion into the 21st century? AuthorLauraRepasMarketing Communications SpecialistMarketing Communications SpecialistMedia InquiriesLauraRepasSenior Communications & Marketing SpecialistSenior Communications & Marketing Specialist+1 416 729-7484communications@canopyplanet.orgRelatedView AllvideoLove at First Swipe: Sweet Solutions for ForestsFeb 10, 2025Mariah De Los SantosarticleChristian Siriano Champions Circular Fashion at New York Fashion WeekFeb 4, 2025Rachel ArnasondocumentCanopy x Canyon Bicycles: The Path to Responsible PackagingJan 23, 2025Mariah De Los Santos
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