CanopyStyle Follows the Thread
by: Josée Breton
- Forest Conservation
- CanopyStyle
- Media release

Vancouver, Canada. March 21, 2018. On International Day of Forests, explore how forests and fashion are linked with CanopyStyle Follows the Thread , a video from environmental not-for-profit Canopy. This five-minute video, created by award winning documentary filmmakers Cristina Colissimo and Jordana Glick-Franzheim, takes viewers to the heart of the struggle to protect Indonesia’s remarkable Leuser Ecosystem, the last place on earth where orangutans, elephants, tigers and rhinoceros, all critically endangered, still co-exist in the wild.Nicole Rycroft, Founder and Executive Director of Canopy, has spent significant time in Indonesia’s rainforests and other forest landscapes. She notes: “This season’s styles currently leave their trace on forests and communities around the world. CanopyStyle Follows the Thread tells the story of how viscose clothing has compromised the tropical rainforests and forest dependent communities of Northern Sumatra. And it shows how global brands are galvanizing to transform the viscose supply chain to be more sustainable and ultimately help protect magical landscapes like the Leuser Ecosystem.”
To celebrate International Day of Forests and the achievements of CanopyStyle, one of Canopy’s flagship campaigns, many of the initiative’s 125 participating brands including Stella McCartney, Levi Strauss & Co., Woolworths, ASOS and EILEEN FISHER are also spreading the word about the importance of forests globally on their social media channels.
As seen in the video, CanopyStyle is doing pivotal work with its’ partner brands to reduce the impact of wood sourcing and the viscose supply chain on ancient and endangered forests. The results of this work add up – both numerically and to positive change locally. Through this collaborative approach Canopy and the CanopyStyle brands have contributed to:
- 25 million acres of the world’s carbon and species rich forests being formally protected or placed under moratoria from logging.
- 125 global fashion and apparel brands representing 134 billion USD in annual revenues uniting to end sourcing from the world’s ancient and endangered forests such as Indonesia’s rainforests, the Amazon, and Canada and Russia’s Boreal forests.
- Producers that manufacture 70% of global rayon-viscose developing formal CanopyStyle commitments to stop sourcing from ancient and endangered forests.
- 12,500 acres of land traditionally owned by the people of Pandumaan-Sipituhuta being recognized and in the process of repatriation to the community by the President of Indonesia.
- 25% of the world’s viscose supply being verified as low risk of containing ancient and endangered forest fibre by CanopyStyle Audits.
@canopyplanet Media Inquiries Laura Repas, Communications and Marketing Specialist +1 416 729 7484 About Canopy Canopy is a not-for-profit environmental organization dedicated to protecting the world’s forests, species and climate. Canopy collaborates with more than 750 companies to develop innovative solutions, make their supply chains more sustainable and help protect our world’s remaining ancient and endangered forests. Canopy’s partners include H&M, Sprint, Penguin Random House, Stella McCartney, Inditex/Zara, TC Transcontinental, The Guardian and Scholastic. Canopy’s work relies on the support of individual donors who share our passion for the planet. About the Filmmakers Cristina Colissimo and Jordana Glick-Franzheim are award winning documentary filmmakers, best known for One Lucky Elephant , Ivory Wars and most recently At the Fork .