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China Textile Academy Green Fibre Co., Ltd completes and publishes its first CanopyStyle Audit


by: Laura Repas

  • Textile Industry
  • CanopyStyle
  • Media release
中纺院 绿色纤维股份公司完成并发布首次 CanopyStyle 审核 Xinxiang, Henan Province, China , Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 31, 2021: Today, environmental not-for-profit Canopy, third-party auditor Preferred by Nature (formerly NEPCon), and China Textile Academy (CTA) released its first CanopyStyle audit report. 中国河南省新乡市,加拿大温哥华, 2021 5 31 :今天,非营利性环保组织Canopy、第三方审核机构Preferred by Nature(前身是NEPCon)和中国纺织科学研究院(CTA)共同发布中纺院的首次CanopyStyle审核报告。

The audit found that while the majority of China Textile Academy’s pulp suppliers are low risk of sourcing from priority Ancient and Endangered Forests and other controversial sources, the audit was not able to fully confirm low risk for two of its dissolving pulp suppliers.


“As the CanopyStyle initiative looks to engage the remaining 48% of the supply chain that has not yet reached green shirt status in our Hot Button Ranking, it is wonderful to see China Textile Academy is not connected to high-risk sourcing. We are encouraged that CTA is moving quickly on steps to implement their CanopyStyle sourcing policy by engaging with suppliers, and being willing to increase the use of FSC-certified fibre for their lyocell production,” said Nicole Rycroft, Executive Director at Canopy.

“CanopyStyle倡议中有48%的黏胶供应商尚未获得绿色衬衫的纽扣评级,而我们喜见中纺院没有出现高风险采购。目前,中纺院在执行CanopyStyle采购政策方面迅速响应,与其供应商积极沟通,有意愿提高莱赛尔纤维产线中FSC认证纤维的用量,对此我们深受鼓舞。”Canopy执行总裁Nicole Rycroft如是说。

“CTA is excited to be part of the CanopyStyle initiative and working collaboratively to reduce the impact of our operations on forests. The CanopyStyle Audits are an important tool to support us in better understanding risks in our supply chain. We look forward to continuing this important work with Canopy and taking action on the recommendations of the audit,” said the general manager, Mr. Jia Baoliang at CTA.


"Preferred by Nature is pleased to be an independent auditing body for the CanopyStyle initiative and in particular making it possible to meet the growing demand for CanopyStyle Audits throughout Asia,” stated Jon Jickling, Director of Solutions at Preferred by Nature.

“Preferred by Nature很荣幸能成为CanopyStyle倡议的独立审核机构,助力满足亚洲日益增长的CanopyStyle审核需求。”Preferred by Nature解决方案总监Jon Jickling如是说。

Key findings of the audit include that CTA has:

  • Developed a sourcing policy in line with CanopyStyle initiative and communicated this policy with all suppliers.
  • 制定与CanopyStyle倡议相一致的采购政策,将此采购政策告知所有供应商。
  • Collected information from its pulp suppliers and conducted an initial risk assessment of pulp sources.
  • 从浆粕供应商征询信息,完成初步浆粕风险评估。
  • Made its supplier list publicly available on the company’s official website.
  • 在公司官网公开供应商名单。
  • Conveyed the requirement to comply with its policy to pulp and fibre suppliers, and plans to add supplementary agreements to contracts with suppliers with potential risks in future purchasing.
  • 通知浆粕和纤维供应商需遵守他们的采购政策,计划与具有潜在风险的供应商在未来的采购合同中增添补充协议。
  • Developed an action plan to source FSC certified dissolving pulp from FSC certified forestry operations. The plan includes a commitment to increase its use of FSC certified pulp by 5% annually.
  • 制定一项行动计划,从FSC认证的林地采购FSC认证的溶解浆。该计划包含承诺FSC认证浆粕的使用量每年提高5%。
Moving forward, Canopy recommends that CTA:

  • Engage, with support from Canopy, pulp suppliers where low-risk levels have not yet been confirmed.
  • 与尚未确定低采购风险的浆粕供应商保持沟通,对此Canopy将给予支持。
  • Develop/update the company’s risk assessment procedures to include evaluation of potentially controversial sources related to legality, conversion of forests after 1994, GMOs, and human and traditional rights.
  • 制定/更新公司的风险评估程序,囊括对潜在争议性来源的评估,例如非法采伐、1994年之后转化的林地、转基因林地、人权与传统社区权益。
  • Insert compliance with CTA policy requirements into contracts with dissolving pulp suppliers.
  • 与溶解浆供应商签订的合同中添加中纺院采购政策合规性的要求。
  • Source bamboo and dissolving pulp from FSC-certified forestry operations to help address potential risks.
  • 从FSC认证的林地采购竹浆和溶解浆,进一步降低潜在风险。
  • Adopt ambitious public targets and timelines for increasing the use of Next Generation alternative fibres in a commercially competitive way.
  • 制定和公开前瞻性的目标与时间表,提高具有商业竞争力的下一代替代纤维的应用。
  • Work with Canopy to support conservation solutions for key Ancient and Endangered Forests.
  • 与Canopy合作,支持重点原始濒危森林的保护方案。
The full audit report can be found at:

完整的审核报告可点击查看: For more Information:


Laura Repas, Canopy
+1-416-729-7484 Canopy Canopy is an international not-for-profit environmental organization dedicated to protecting our forests, species, and climate. Canopy collaborates with more than 750 companies to develop innovative solutions to make their fibre supply chains more sustainable, and to help protect our world’s remaining Ancient and Endangered Forests. Canopy’s partners include H&M, Sprint, Target, Amazon, Penguin Random House, Zara, TC Transcontinental, and Scholastic. Canopy’s work relies on the support of individual donors who share our passion for the planet.

Canopy是一家国际非营利性环保组织,致力于保护全球森林、物种和气候稳定。Canopy拥有750多家伙伴商,为他们提供创新解决方案,促进供应链的可持续性,保护全球尚存的原始濒危森林。Canopy的伙伴商包括H&M, Sprint, Target, Amazon, Penguin Random House, Zara, TC Transcontinental和Scholastic。Canopy依赖同样热爱地球的志同道合者的个人捐助。 Preferred by Nature Preferred by Nature, formerly NEPCon, is an international, non-profit organisation working to support better land management and business practices that benefit people, nature and the climate. For 25 years, we have worked with businesses, smallholders, non-profit organisations and governments on developing solutions to major global challenges such as deforestation and climate change. We focus on forest and climate impact commodities and related sectors. Through a well-developed network of local representatives and contractors, Preferred by Nature offers timely and cost-effective certification services around the world. Our focus on mission and impact differentiates our services and strengthens our credibility.

Preferred by Nature(前身是NEPCon)是一家国际非营利性组织,致力于支持更好的土地管理和商业经营,造福人类、自然和气候。25年来,我们与企业、小农场主、非营利性组织和政府合作,共同开发主要全球问题的解决方案,例如森林砍伐问题和气候变化。我们的服务主要聚焦影响森林和气候的商品及相关行业。Preferred by Nature拥有成熟的当地员工和承包商网络,可在全球范围内提供及时高效的认证服务。我们的优质服务和声誉源于使命感和影响力。 中纺院绿色纤维股份公司 China Textile Academy Green Fibre Co., Ltd China Textile Academy Green Fibre Co., Ltd is the subsidiary of China General Technology New Materials Co., Ltd, the first enterprise that has a full independent intellectual property right of green fibre绿纤® (lyocell fibre), and a leader in China’s green textile industry. It has been one of the key R&D projects of the national 13 th five-year plan to supply lyocell domestically. The lyocell project of CTA Green Fibre with a production capacity of tens of thousands of tons, in August 2017, passed the appraisal of scientific and technological achievements organized by China Textile Industry Federation and won the first prize of 2018 “Textile light” China Textile Industry Federation Science and Technology Award. 绿纤® is the regenerated cellulosic fibre spun from cellulose dissolved in aqueous solution of N-methylmorpholine-oxide (NMMO), called lyocell fibre. In October 2020, the production line of 绿纤® with 60,000 tons of design capacity kicked off at CTA Green Fibre Phase III, and since then it has realized an annual production of 90,000 tons, therefore becoming the biggest lyocell producer in China and the second biggest in the world. 中纺院绿色纤维股份公司是通用技术高新材料有限公司下属企业,是中国第一家具有绿纤®(莱赛尔纤维)全自主知识产权的企业,是中国绿色纺织产业的领导者。国产化莱赛尔项目是国家“十三五”重点研发计划的项目,中纺绿纤万吨级莱赛尔项目于2017年8月通过由中国纺织工业联合会组织的科技成果鉴定,并荣获“纺织之光”2018中国纺织工业联合会科学技术奖一等奖。绿纤®是采用N-甲基吗啉-氧化物(NMMO)的水溶液溶解纤维素后进行纺丝制得的一种再生纤维素纤维,学名莱赛尔纤维。2020年10月份,中纺绿纤三期年产能6万吨绿纤®生产线一次性开车成功,公司实现9万吨的绿纤®的年产能,成为国内第一、国际第二的莱赛尔纤维生产企业。


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